© Design by ANC, Original by David Roberts




August 10th-16th, 2008

Going out on caravans has been an All Nations Cafe tradition since its inception. Setting out into the desert on camel back to visit our Bedouin friends, embarking on a musical exploration caravan of Jordan and heading off to Europe on a concert and workshop tour - are just a few of our magical mystery tours. Since then, we have found our little oasis on the historical route of pilgrims, shepherds and farmers leading to Bethlehem and Jerusalem, and are little group settled down and began to grow in number and strength.

This year we invited our international friends from the four corners of the Earth to become members on board a caravan into the future, where the past friendship between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Holy Land, and the sense of community and shared fate of all beings - is reawakened in our hearts and reenacted in our deeds.

Our journey took us through familiar and magical landscapes, sites and the homes, from the Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Temple Mount and the quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, Walaja, Ein Haniya, Bethlehem, Dheishe refugee camp, Neve Daniel settlement, Ein Karem and the Judean Desert.

Miracles have been happening along the way, each and every day of the caravan week. Stay tuned for a detailed story of the caravan, soon to appear on this web page...

Meanwhile, you are welcome to read about our previous caravans:

Music Caravan to Jordan - Making history as the first and only Israeli / International group to perform in Jerash Festival.

Caravan from Jerusalem to Europe Israel, Palestine, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.

Get the DVD!
Holy Land Caravan (2010) DVD ©

Caravan CD Cover, by Dhyan ©Listen to the Caravan CD and Order it Online...


Our flagship project, All Nations Café at Ein Haniya, is not just a culture and arts community center, nor is it merely a Middle Eastern style café on the Bethlehem –Jerusalem road. It is indeed an open, friendly, non-intimidating meeting place in the midst of a war zone. Read more..

Now, wherever you are in the world, you can still take a part in the All Nations Café work and make a sustainable contribution to the environment by sponsoring planting a tree at the Grove of All Nations on the land between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.Read more..

Working together on the land, farmers and volunteers of all nations. Restoring terraces and springs, collecting garbage, digging water catchment cellars and so on. Read more..

email: allnationscafe@yahoo.com call +972-54-6707106


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